Our land grid is the full land grid, nothing less, and it doesn’t cost more

Our land grid is the base for any great map and the base for starting our company, USLandGrid. Back in 2012, we saw an opportunity in the market when it came to providing the full land picture and we decided to fill it. Detailed and clean, our land grid product is seamless across state boundaries and repaired in problem areas that others have not touched.


We are a land grid GIS mapping company that provides section, township, and range data along with Texas survey data to complete a national land grid. In the Public Land Survey States, we include sections, townships, lots, quarters (quarter quarters) and boundaries. In Texas, we include abstracts, sections, surveys, junior surveys, blocks, lots, tracts, subdivisions and boundaries.

Breaking down some of the technical specifications, our land grid dataset includes over 3.1m sections, 7.4m quarters, and 1.8m lots. Coverage includes 100% coverage of the PLSS states and 100% coverage of Texas. The data is standardized and seamless across the states.

Our data is purchased, not leased. You will never need to remove our data from your maps (you own it). We also give you the option to choose future updates or just buy the data at that static point in time. Buy the county, the state, or our grab our nationwide coverage. Updates are 20% of the buy price starting in year one. Our data packages are designed to meet all needs and budgets.


Land grid matters because it is the surveying method used in the United States to plat, or divide property. Also known as the Public Land Survey System, or the rectangular survey system outside of Texas, the land grid has been used as the primary survey method in the United States.

Originally proposed by Thomas Jefferson, and beginning shortly after the American Revolutionary War, the Public Land Survey System enabled settlement of the west beginning in Ohio.

In places like Texas, the land grid uses the Public Land Survey System in some capacity. However, Texas land grid is also governed by a hybrid of its own early origins, based on Spanish land grants, railroad grants and school grants. From an application perspective in today’s world, the land grid functions as that basemap that allows accuracy through footage calls and spacing. Often times, it’s the first layer loaded onto a map.


PLSS Schema
COUNTY County land grid located within
FIPS 5 digit FIPS state and county code
API 5 digit API state and county code
REGION Region land grid located within
TOWNSHIPID Township ID as reported by the state
SECTIONID Section ID as reported by the state
PRINCIPALM Located within this Meridian
TOWNSHIP Township number
TOWNSHIPDI Township direction
RANGE Range number
RANGEDIREC Range direction
TOWNSHIPLA Township label
SECTION Located within this section
SECTIONTYP Type of section
SECTIONLAB Section label
SURVEYTYPE Type of survey
ACRES Calculated acres
DATUM Source datum of the data
SOURCE Date modified by US Land Grid
DATEUSLG Date modified by US Land Grid
TEXAS Schema
Longitude Surface Longitude
Latitude Surface Latitude
STATEAPI 2 digit API state code
STATE State land grid located within
STATECODE 2 character short state name
STATEFIPS 2 digit FIPS state code
STATEAPI 2 digit API state code
COUNTY County land grid located within
COUNTYFIPS 3 digit FIPS county code
FIPS 5 digit FIPS state and county code
API 5 digit API state and county code
REGION Region land grid located within
ABSTRACTNU Located within this abstract
ABSTRACTLA Abstract label
BLOCKNUMBE Located within this block
BLOCKLABEL Block label
SECTIONNUM Located within this section
SURVEYNAME Survey label - located within this survey
ACRES Calculated acres
DATUM Source datum of the data
SOURCE US US Land Grid, Inc.
DATEUSLG Date modified by US Land Grid
DISTRICT Railroad District land grid located within

Land Parcels FAQ

Where does your land grid data come from?

We source our land grid data directly from the Railroad Commission, the Bureau of Land Management and from Operators.

How do you standardize data generally?

The main way we make data much easier to work with is by standardizing the column names of the raw data provided. For our land grid, we do standardize the values in most columns. We convert the data in our system to a standard table schema, with consistent column names across the nationwide dataset.

How do you deliver bulk data?

All bulk data is provided via SFTP as zip files of each county in the format of your choice using a pull model. End delivery is customizable with no extra costs.

How do I download your land grid data?

We use the “Secure File Transfer Protocol”, also called SFTP. This is supported in most traditional FTP clients and SSH client software.

When was your land grid data last updated?

On average, our land grid is refreshed two times per year. All data is tracked with the date of “DATEUSLG”

What software can I use to work with your data?

Editing or working with most of our data requires software for working with geographic and geospatial data. There is free and open source desktop software to work this kind of data called QGIS.

What about Google Earth?

We provide KML/KMZ options for Google Earth and Google Earth Pro, but neither of those applications support editing our data, only viewing the data. If you need to make changes to the data you get from us, you will need a desktop application like QGIS discussed above

How large is the nationwide dataset?

The nationwide land grid dataset is approximately 400-800 GB uncompressed, varying by file format, storage method, attribute tier, and other factors.

600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South, Denver, Colorado 80202

